
We are pleased to release our Latvian M&A Journal 2015 which provides a summary of M&A activity in Latvia during the period from January 1 and until December 31. Read more...


Esam sagatavojuši Latvijas privātā un riska kapitāla apskatu par 2015.gadu, kurā apkopota informācija par ieguldījumu aktivitāti Latvijā laikā no 1.janvāra līdz 30.novembrim. Read more...


We are pleased to release our Private Equity and Venture Capital Journal 2015 which provides a summary of investment activity in Latvia during the period from January 1 and until November 30. Read more...


It is not that often when news from the Riga stock exchange trigger a public discussion. The public announcement in September when 43.25% of the shares outstanding (or, 45,187,392 shares to be precise) in Ventspils Nafta AS had been sold by Latvijas Naftas Tranzits AS to Euromin Holdings (Cyprus) Limited was an exception that caused a very heated debate. Just to remind, the total reported transaction value was EUR 79.98 million, while the price per single share was EUR 1.77. This price implied the enteprise value of EUR 304.20 million and valued the VN business at 5.1x its year 2014 earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA).

Is this an adequate price, or, as some claim, have we just witnessed a steal of the century? Read more...

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