
It is Warren Buffet who invests for long term. The lesser mortals usually are more restricted in their actions. For regular private equity investors the investment holding periods are limited by the life cycle of the fund the particular investment has been made from. This usually means that exit needs to be sought in year 5, or, in some cases, a year or two later. Anything that goes beyond that is already exceptional. For instance, an investment that has been held for more than ten years. Read more...

In early spring we were looking back at a very disappointing first quarter if measured by the M&A activity (the full note can be found here). Almost immediately after it was published the quiet period ended and things started accelerating in the market. Some pressure and frenzy at that time of year is not untypical as deal-makers try to wrap the things up before the summer season starts. But this year the M&A market continued to gather momentum also during the summer months. Apparently, quite a few people preferred real work to working on their suntan! Read more...

Because of the somewhat shared history after the WWII the Baltics are customarily referred to as part of Central and Eastern Europe. The business ties and investment flows, nevertheless, tell a different story, with Nordic countries having been playing a key role in rebuilding the economies after the independence was regained. Because of these established close links, what happens on the other coast of the Baltic Sea may have a significant impact on the Baltic markets and thus has to be followed closely. Read more...

The recently published Global Private Equity Report 2015 by Bain & Company, a consultancy, is among the first to offer a comprehensive analysis of the private equity market last year and share their outlook for the year 2015 and beyond.
What have been the main traits in the global and European PE market in 2014 then? Read more...

Researchers usually identify two waves of increased M&A activity over the last 25 years. The first one took place in the 1990s, whereas the second transpired in the years leading to the global financial crisis of 2008. A recent research report (a full version of which is available here) published by Swiss Re, a reinsurer, offers a very comprehensive analysis of the factors driving the M&A activity in general and deal activity in the insurance sector in particular. Read more...